Report a vulnerability to Lucknow Imaging Centre

We appreciate your commitment to the security of Lucknow Imaging Centre. If you have discovered a vulnerability in our systems or website, we encourage you to report it to us so that we can take appropriate measures to address and resolve the issue. Please follow the steps below to report a vulnerability:

    1- Compile Information: Gather all relevant information about the vulnerability, including a detailed description of the issue, its potential impact, and any supporting evidence or proof of concept.
    2- Prepare Contact Details: Ensure you have your contact details ready, including your name, email address, and phone number. This will allow us to communicate with you regarding the vulnerability and its resolution.
    3- Submitting the Report: Send the vulnerability report to us through our designated email address or contact form. If we have a dedicated security contact or bug bounty program, please follow the guidelines provided by that program.
    4- Provide Essential Details: When submitting the report, be sure to include the following information:
    • a- Description of the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce it.
    • b- Impact and potential risks associated with the vulnerability.
    • c- Any supporting technical details, such as affected systems, software versions, or URLs
    • d- Your contact information for further communication.

    6- Response and Collaboration: After receiving your report, we will acknowledge the receipt within a reasonable timeframe. We will assess and validate the vulnerability and keep you informed about our progress in resolving the issue.
    7- Responsible Disclosure: We request that you do not publicly disclose the vulnerability until we have had sufficient time to investigate and address the issue. We commit to working with you in a collaborative and responsible manner throughout the process.
    We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the security and integrity of our systems. Your cooperation helps us ensure the privacy and protection of our users and their data. Thank you for your contribution to the security of Lucknow Imaging Centre.
    Note: This is a general guideline for reporting vulnerabilities and may vary based on the specific policies and procedures of Lucknow Imaging Centre.